I bought an iPod touch because I wanted quick access to the Internet and was fascinated by the apps available to children. I proceeded to download many of the educational apps and my kids are now fighting over my iPod touch. The cool thing is, they spend tons of time playing educational games. There are other devices out there for this, but, my iPod is by far the most popular. And, in the long run, cheaper. Don't buy a leaptser. Don't buy a vtech. Go get an iPod touch, used or new, and download tons a of free educational apps. Even the ones you buy are only a dollar or two. After the money you would have spent on the leapster, vetch, etc. and then more for each individual cartridge, you come out even, and the kids stay far more entertained using this device. I know because I have those other toys, and they kept my children's attention about three days. Then, suddenly, their Interest was gone. I've had my iPod touch for several months now and am considering buying another because I'm always having to borrow it back. My son in second grade spends hours, literally, doing science experiments using an app called alchemy, which is free. My first grader loves art, so he tried out the different paint programs available. They play the fun math games, or logic games, like robots or blocks. My three year has to try out everything, but loves the puzzles the most. My five year old also loves the puzzles but is very interested in the alphabet right now so she'll gravitate to those types of apps. She was having fun recently practicing her handwriting. There are so many apps available that are beneficial to them, and more coming out constantly, that you don't ever have to worry about your child getting bored or wasting their time. So next question is, which apps should I download and which should I actually by. That's the question on my mind a lot, so I thought of building this website to help others like me, easily find the types of apps that would benefit their child's needs. I tried to keep the videos short so that you could browse through them quickly and click the link to download the app quickly without having to look it up yourself. I hope to add many of the paid apps that aren't available in lite form so that you can get an idea of what is out there before buying. If there is a paid app out there that you think you might want for you child, and you can't find a video review on it, feel free to email me, and I'll personally buy it, review it, and list it on the site within a week. Spread the word to other moms you know who have iPod Touchs or iPads. You can also subscribe via email and share via facebook.